Building elevators and escalators are located throughout the property and provide tenants and guests access to the following floors:
HILL BUILDING - 1149 S. Hill Street
Five (5) Passenger Elevators provide service to floors GL level through 10.
One (1) Freight Elevator provides service to floors SB level through 10.
BRIDGE ANNEX - Connecting the Hill Building and Tower Building
Four (4) Passenger Elevators provide service to floors GL level through 11.
Ten (10) Escalators provide service to floors GL level through 4.
TOWER BUILDING - 1150 S. Olive Street
Four (4) Mid-Rise Passenger Elevators provide service to floors GL level through 1, and floors 11 through 21.
Four (4) High-Rise Passenger Elevators provide service to floors GL level through 1, floor 11, and floors 18 through 30.
Two (2) Shuttle Passenger Elevators provide restricted service to floors 26 through 32.
One (1) Freight Elevator provides service to floors SB level through 30.
One (1) Shuttle Freight Elevator provides restricted service to floors 31 through 32.
One (1) Passenger Elevator provides service to floors 1 through 2.
One (1) Freight Elevators provides service to floors 1 through 2.
OLIVE GARAGE - 1133 S. Olive Street
Two (2) Passenger Elevators provide service to floors GL level through 6.
BROADWAY GARAGE - 150 W. 12th Street
Four (4) Passenger Elevators provide service to floors GL Level through 6, and the Roof.
The Passenger and Freight elevators are secured and require the use of a Building Access Card to access your respective floor.
Please contact Building Management at (213) 741-7400 or should you have any questions.